Sunday, June 30, 2019

Interpretable AI: Reasoning about Why (...and why a solution is the right solution)

In the Sherlock Holmes novels, Conan Doyle’s hero is said to use his deductive power to infer by whom and how a crime was committed. He gathers the facts and then proceeds to deduce their logical conclusion. Ideally, given rules [A→B, B→C, …Y→Z] and fact (antecedent) A, Z can be deduced using the rules transitively. But in each of his cases there are gaps, not just in facts, but in available explanations. He therefore has to propose new explanations, since much of the crime was done without any witnesses. He applies abductive reasoning rather than deductive reasoning, to infer, or abduce, the cause and explanation for a certain set of given resulting facts.

Sherlock’s favorite phrase is “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth”. This is about finding explanations for the result B, beginning with an open set of antecedents {A1,A2,A3…}; it is not simple deduction from A to B to C. And if all explanations are found impossible (possibly even by using deduction, but possible by other means), than the remaining single one must be the answer. But what if the case isn’t so discrete? What if your elimination reduces to a set of several solutions, not just one (e.g., different but overlapping genotypes)? Then you must find the most likely explanation using some oth3re means, like posterior (Bayesian) probabilities. This is precisely what abductive reasoning is all about: to find the best explanation or set of best explanations, not deducing the exact correct solution!

Truth Table:


Let’s break this down further. Logically, deduction is sound if the implications (rules) used are all sound. For the implication A→B , modus ponens exactly states: if (A→B) & A then B. That is, given a rule and the knowing the antecedent (A) is true, then B must be true if everything is sound. However, the inverse (if (A→B) & B then A) is not necessarily true (see truth table, purple text). On the other hand, it is also not necessarily false to predict A from B, tough it isn’t exactly (always) sound, and is therefore referred to as the fallacy of the converse. Yet this reasoning when done over the complete set of possible explanations, with them being ranked by which is most probable, it can be used to infer real, possible explanations. This is at the heart of abductive reasoning, which has been cited by many [] as what scientists frequently apply. Researchers using Bayesian Inference to propose explanations or mechanisms are indeed applying abduction.
Abductive reasoning requires a high bar for tools that support it, since it is not only a matter of being able to proffer a few different explanations about a phenomenon B, but to have sufficient coverage on all possible explanations so that the best ones can be ranked (using posterior probabilities), which often requires knowing the sum of (almost) all probabilities. I recommend this being the high-bar for what we have been calling knowledge bases. One can argue that practical knowledge should include verifiable explanations or the ability to find such explanations for evidence-based discovery. The guidance for this should be openly discussed and agreed on soon due to the large number of recent knowledge graph/base related offerings, some which may not meet this requirement. Knowledge systems should serve both human queries and machine-driven interrogations and inference. Currently, there are no well-defined objectives of their use, making recommendations and selection by enterprises and institutions very ambiguous.
In addition, the AI/ML community needs to address the relevance and benefits of using such knowledge resources, and whether further alignment (e.g., APIs) are needed. Specifically, knowledge systems could be used to address interpretability of AI solutions, in order to inject both context and non-technical access to their overall benefits. So far the AI community often views knowledge as something an AI system finds but doesn't require itself to take advantage of, while those developing knowledge graphs view their semantic forms as their interpretation of AI and feeding learning systems transformed data from within the graph. Both views are unproductive, and the real benefits will emerge out of considering how both technologies can be more fundamentally integrated.

Examples of logical inference

  1. All oncogenes have the potential of becoming mutated and driving oncogenesis.
  2. Gene W is an oncogene.
∴ Gene W can cause cancer if mutated.

  1. All oncogenes have the potential of becoming mutated and driving oncogenesis.
  2. Gene Y is observed to be mutated in a tumor
∴ Gene Y is an oncogene. 
→ NO! Counter-example: Altered Gene Y can also affect oncogenesis if it’s a Tumor Suppressor. It could even be passive and simply incidental.
→ However, if one continues to see an association of Y mutants in similar classes of tumors and it appears to be a gain of function and these mutations are rarer in other cases, then the proposition may be verified.

  1. Genes W,X,Y,Z are RTKs.
  2. Gene Y is observed to be mutated in 20% of lung  carcinomas
∴ RTKs can drive oncogenesis in lung when mutated

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Wrecks at the Bottom of Data Lakes

What are Data Lakes?

Along with all the activity and marketing hype around Big Data, there are still troubling loose ends to contend with: how do we associate disparate but overlapping data to each other if we’re simply to “pour” data together? Using the lake paradigm, how is one to fish out the specific data that match some form of criterion, as well as anything else associated to it? Some explanations point to adding some type information, but this limits how data from different collections (related but not exactly equal types) can be cross-linked when necessary. We can choose to link entities across types using constrained rules or semantics. However, if we are to rely on some form of data semantics to associate related things, how is this data semantics to be established, added to the lake, and then managed? The metaphor for the lake quickly begins to get murky…

But what happened to semantic data aka linked data, to the ability to link data from multiple sources across an organization or even the Internet? What of all the promises of truly interlinked data independent of where they arise? Is the data lake the replacement paradigm? One notable shift has been to the localization of data to within an organization’s auspices, rather than relying on outbound links, as championed by semantic web standards. But is the lake terminology right for this? In the sciences, there are always external resources that need to be updated and merged with the internal sets. If not properly using linked data identifier (URI) semantics, what then? What is really offered here?

To many, the lake analogy affords a serene image of lazy afternoons of sailing and fishing; but it is deceptive nonetheless. Are things best discovered by using simple tags, are these controlled? Are unique relations the key in identifying special objects? Is it a particular tangle of linked things that help fish out a prize catch? Do large assemblages of multiple facts come out whole in a meaningful way, or is it a jumble of stringy facts? It is not a far stretch to conjure up the thought of an Edmund Fitzgerald[1]-size data wreck if one does not take the time to structure the inserted data. Some things dumped into the lake may never see the light of day again. Is data depth now become a good thing or a bad thing? In this article, we will take a deeper dive into the challenges facing data aggregation and struxturing, and some new ideas of how to better organize growing and evolving data resources.
A concept that was introduced in a previous article, is the Yoneda lemma (abstract algebras), which formally ties all records of entities (including keys) from any table to each other to create one large network of composite relations. It makes it possible to define a query algebra (e.g., SQL, SPARQL) that works with any schema for a dataset. In the case of data lakes, this foundation is missing or at least has not been formally introduced, so a large uncertainty exists on what the formal basis will be to ensure data integrity for insertions, updates and queries. Currently data lakes appear to be a convenient option for handling large influx of datasets, coming in varied, disjoint structural forms. Sean Martin of Cambridge Semantics said of current efforts [1]: “We see customers creating big data graveyards, dumping everything into HDFS [Hadoop Distributed File System] and hoping to do something with it down the road. But then they just lose track of what’s there”.

An alternative generalized model is the concept of what I call a Datacomb[2], which relies on both efficiency and logic (ala geometric algebras) for storage, structure, and discoverability. Here any typed real-world entity (RWE) or conjunction of RWEs, can be mapped using single or multiple keys. The latter is usually associated with JOIN results (Patient + Primary Physician), but which can be automatically typed as a Cartesian Product (CP) using existing atomic entities: 

Such a relation instance materializes if a fact exists about a patient having a primary physician, as in any join, but now a compound typed-object exists as well. This compound object may uniquely contain data on when the patient first began going to this doctor, and what was the circumstance of the first visit. The actual visits are also compositionally typed (and linked) as VISIT PATIENT×PPHYSICIAN×DATE, which would include the location[3], any tests performed, and what was the diagnosis. Cartesian products have the basic ability to be decomposed (projected) into the set of atomic entities ((PATIENT, PPHYSICIAN), DATE), with their original associated (row) data. If we wish to include prescribed drug therapies, we can organize this by extending the previous objects thusly: PATIENT×PPHYSICIAN×DATE×THERAPY_START. For every a PATIENT, b PPHYSICIAN, c DATE, and d THERAPY_START, a 3-simplex (4 vertices) is created, where each combination from 1-4 conjunctions (total of 15) has compositional semantic meaning:

Simplicial Databases

The ability to compose and decompose objects is very useful and mathematically sound, and enables databases to be quite flexible. In fact, any set of k-joined entities can be (if one needs to) decomposed generally into k subsets of k-1 CP entities, which then can be decomposed into k(k-1)/2 subsets of k-2 CP entities, etc, until we arrive at the k atomic entities. This structure is commonly known as a Simplex and the data instance constructs are known as Simplicial Sets, and was first described by David Spivak as having many uses in data storage [2]. One application of them is in statistical inference when computing/analyzing joint and marginal frequencies or probabilities of mixed combinations of similar events or attributes. For example, if a patient has a tumor containing somatic mutations [EGFR amp, P53, PTEN], a mutation simplex is defined that may be part of a larger mutation pattern [EGFR amp, CDK4, P53, PTEN] that some patients have, as well as subsuming smaller patterns of others: [EGFR amp, PTEN] and [EGFR amp, P53]. The entities are different subsets of mutations that are co-occurring, and may each contain the incidence counts for each combination found in patients, or an identified molecular interaction between the co-occurring mutations. This is a numeric example, which can be further combined with other data.

It is worthwhile considering that the actual physical storage implementation of a Simplicial database [1] does not have to allocate every mutation combination possible, nor every combination that exists within sets of patients. The logical constraints are complete, so the model may need to only allocate those for which useful data can be associated (e.g., therapies). This can be considered a form of storage caching and compression, for faster look-ups and associations.  Nonetheless, a simple analysis of real genomic data from ~1000 cancer patients required only a few million unique simplicial entities to be allocated and linked, which makes this highly tractable in today’s large-scale storage systems. Moreover, in some data spaces where events are strongly mutually associated, the combinatorics is not unbounded, and often simplicial sets become saturated (relatively sparse) at intermediate and lower levels.

Note the hierarchy of entities from large mutation combinations to smaller subsets form a “sieve”. Each patient’s pattern is linked to the top (complete) entity, and then filters down to all the subsets contained within that pattern, providing information of which patients share a particular sub-pattern. If these mutation distributions are not statistically independent, it provides evidence there is an underlying mechanism at work [see Fichtenholtz, 2016]. The simplicial database makes it very efficient to find all cases of shared patterns, compared to a query filter (for each) in a relational DB or an edge traversal in a data graph. The mutation simplex is formed directly from calculating and indexing the patterns from a list of mutations for each patient’s analysis, and is cost efficient after most patterns are captured.

Returning to our original PATIENT×PHYSICIAN×DATE example, one can build a simplicial model around the PATIENT×PHYSICIAN pair (edge) linked to a sequence of dates (vertices) to create an implicit series visits (=PATIENT×PHYSICIAN×DATE), i.e., triangular faces. This structure includes a PHYSICIAN×DATE edge, which maps to all the patients that doctor has seen on the same day. A clear advantage of this form of database, is that all key combinations are pre-computed (aka pre-joined), so a simple canonical n-way hash of the values can find the full set of data in a single lookup; this is very well-suited for fast analytics, where multiple lookups are equivalent to query caching. Another advantage is that the CP entities have clear automatic types and can be handled exactly by type-dependent downstream processes, specifically by descriptive algebras supporting CP entities (e.g., MUTATION_SIMPLEXDISEASETHERAPY à DISEASERESPONSE). The combined simplicial set naturally lends itself to analytics for effective treatments based on genomics and disease types.


The basis for the ideas presented here arise from Category Theory (CT), which ensures logical consistency within data model schema. The interconnected set of simplicial entities is described as a simplicial complex (partial overlaps of different simplicial elements) and is a well-defined object in CT[4], and is at the heart of the formal definition of what we call a Datacomb. The complex possesses a formal query algebra for any subset of simplicial entities, and can be used to extract any geometric (connected) subset of data, including measurable things like frequencies. Note also that any graph data-model is automatically a subset of a datacomb since it is just the 1-D skeleton (vertices and edges) of the complex. The datacomb model can be implemented on top of a few different storage technologies, such as multi-array DBs, RDBs, key-valued NOSQL DBs, graph DBs, and (materialized) column-stores (relational systems may not be practical since they require explicit types and type-specific keying). The simplicial logic that is required to interface with them can be layered on top of the existing technologies, so that a common API can be installed on different storage technologies. In fact, RDF could actually be used as a universal description for internal structures in any data system (not only triplestores). All in all, the datacomb approach is a more rigorously defined solution for complex data sets than offered by the data lake meme, one with real definable specifications and multiple analytic and mining applications.

The datacomb can be applied to several different settings: most naturally, it can be mapped to any existing data-array storage systems already in place, with the extension to more flexibly and automatically handle complex-typed objects, useful for precomputing data for use in downstream analytics. In relational DB instances, frequently materialized joins can be more formally and efficiently captured and accessed using a datacomb framework, making it easier and faster to query on conjoined content, as well as recalling the atomic entities on demand. Datacombs serve as the common superset for both data-arrays and relational data, and therefore form a powerful higher-order framework that covers both data analytics and full sets of non-numeric data. Inasmuch, the datacomb offers a lot of advantages to organize and define datasets for any machine-learning tasks, by flexibly formatting raw data into pre-processed structures required by many ML platforms.

In addition, when dealing with closely related entities (e.g., lists of genes and their coded proteins), instead of ambiguously choosing one or the other identifier (e.g., P204392) for recalling the whole set of related data records, a simplex of the related entities would provide a much more even and efficient way to get all the matches. It would then be keyed by any one entity (vertices), or the hashed-sum of the full set (k-cell). This would go a long way to solving the biomedical disambiguation problem. This is the formal equivalent of earlier attempts like SRS[5] to connect multiple related molecular entities.

Datacombs can also handle non-local data by serving as local caches of all the intra- and inter-relations between data records (e.g., genomic data references), providing something much more substantial in function and structure than existing data lake models, analogous to a universal data switchboard. A cloud-based implementation should be very effective by managing all the relations between simple and complex entities from thousands (or more) of different sources. It would then effectively solve what the semantic web initiative had always alluded to do but never did: explicitly handling of complex entity logic (indexing, typing, and filtering) from data that resides in multiple sources, which are usually thought to be (yet unsupported) in the purview of ontologies.

Many organizations intending to utilize their collections of data more effectively are positioning themselves around big data. Yet most of the data environments are a mixture of different classes of technologies, developed/installed at different times, for different goals, and accessed/managed by different groups. Trying to unify this heterogeneous mix will have a broad range of costs depending on the type of technology used and the urgency for completing it (and of course thoroughness of the solution). This easily can range from $100,000’s to $millions; but the cost of doing this incorrectly within a time limit may be even orders of magnitude greater (over $100 millions) due to the business impact of a non-optimal solution, and the new added cost—and additional time—of doing it right the second time. The looming challenge facing many organizations means they need to properly and confidently choose the best approach, fully considering both the maturity of the technologies, and enhanced paradigms for reducing development and maintenance costs. There is concern that no database product from any traditional company is quite ready for the challenge. The consumer must therefore rely on their own knowledge of their precise needs and determine what level of innovation in which they will be willing to invest. A brave new world is emerging for information technologies.

1 –Stein, Brian; Morrison, Alan (2014). in Data lakes and the promise of unsiloed data (pdf) (Report). Technology Forecast: Rethinking integration. PricewaterhouseCooper.
2 – David I. Spivak.  Simplicial Databases,, 2009
3 - Fichtenholtz, AM, Camarda, ND, Neumann EK. Knowledge-Based Bioinformatics Predicting Significance of Unknown Variants In Glial Tumors Through Sub-Class Enrichment. pp 297-308, Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2016.

[2] Regularized structures that are semantically flexible, as with honeycombs in beehives
[3] One could argue that EVENT=DATE×LOCATION should be used rather than DATE, but often it is not needed since location does not change within a day.
[4] They are at the heart of new methodologies including topological data analysis (TDA)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is Linked Data too brittle?

"Once we've linked all public data together using RDF, the world will have unprecedented access to real usable data and then things will begin to happen." - OH

Sounds great on the surface, but so far my experience suggests this solves less then 25% of the information problem - here are my thoughts why...
  • powerful data access demands powerful data interfaces - we aren't there yet by a long shot!
  • non-standard URIs prevent commercial acceptance (e.g. in the life sciences) - a social issue!
  • and most importantly: semantic linking offers little improvement if one simply converts one data syntax (tabular) to another (RDF) - here's where I think we can improve things now!
Most tabular semantics are terrible (and often devoid of it), and they were defined so as to quickly arrange and store information to operate within a row-column access protocol (for a more in-depth discussion see From Tables to RDF). But just as bad is the manifestation of a data table to work across the Web. As RDF, data now becomes a kind of global Truth when it really is most often just one Facet of contextual facts associated with some of the contained objects.

Some may argue that NamedGraphs and Reification can come to the rescue here by providing appropriate Fact Semantics- perhaps, but unfortunately they do not appear to be part of any projects like LOD and from what I can tell these possibilities are non-normative, which is opposite of what public efforts need. Projecting data into RDF without consideration of Context or Fact Semantics leads to creating mountains of brittle data that can only be used in limited cases, i.e., only around the context they were created under, such as a gene expression study. Researchers trying to build up knowledge about genes in general will have a tougher time separating universal truths from contextual ones (e.g., experimental results). And since RDF conversions are happening now all over the web, if one does not take care, we all could get contaminated with irregular facts based on the brittleness of the implied data semantics- a very real Tower of Semantic Babel!

In the case of gene expression data which contains genes and their tissues-specific expression measurements, such data must be viewed in the context of the experiment (i.e., the conditions, interventions, tissue sampling, background genetics, etc). Simply turning an expression set into gene-expression-value RDF triples would be an inappropriate form for web publishing: it makes the gene information brittle and of limited use! Unfortunately, I have not seen any recorded discussion on how to address this, since a lot of efforts are about convincing as many people as possible "to convert their data to RDF". I think this is dangerous prescription and a data integrity bubble is growing that will eventually burst!

Let's step back a bit and review the history...

The shift in describing the Semantic Web from a system of information semantics to linking data across resources was a technically subtle but strategically important move. Strong efforts by the W3C trying for many years to explain the need for information semantics were met with confusion and disagreement as to what semantics meant (the irony of poor semantics of semantics is not missed).

At the end of the day, the message of reducing syntactical ambiguity of information (every data type needed a different parser, e.g., XML) was lost on most people (parsers keep people employed!). The notion of turning HTML links from formless web links into clear relation types was not obvious to many. Basically, people felt the web obviously "looked" as if it had semantics (the blue colored links were situated at meaningful locations in text), so why all this extra semantic work? Who really needs machine-readable data? It already goes through web servers and browsers so isn't it already machine-readable?

By shifting focus to "linking data", those individuals involved in data interchange and storage (the IT guys) were brought into the discussion, and they seemed to have been able to better grasp the significance of using a standard like RDF. By saying the linked data enables open connecting and handling of data from diverse locations on the web, many of the subtleties of the Semantic Web began to make more real-world sense to folks. Specifically, most IT developers have struggled for years in companies to provide standardized means of integrating there databases with little practical results to show. This Linked Data idea actually looked like it might have promise... hurray!!

Still, there was some confusion around "what is a URI exactly?", is it an identifier, is it a web location, what do I find when I go there? IMHO this could have been handled better (another post eventually), by discussing the semantic theoretics of URI before moving to discuss RDF (TBL design discussion on URI were not very intuitive to most data experts). I think the issues around URI have begun to get settled and most people are OK with it now-- for the most part, religious wars around LSIDs and other URN approaches seem to have subsided.

However, all these discussions have focused primarily on mapping existing data structures (linked tables) to a web-based way of doing things. OK for some, but many in the life sciences need the newly converted information to be in a form that is ready for day-to-day research (e.g. tab-delimited formats), and not just with public sector data. Data semantics should clearly empower informaticists beyond what the can quickly do with tables and perl scripts - they need gene information to be readily applied to SNP analysis, gene expression studies, or molecular structure analyses. If commercial groups are to get involved, the issues around fact semantics and data brittleness need to be addressed ASAP!

My own efforts involving Data Articulation try to address this by offering a strategy that realizes there is no singular way of describing connected information, yet some forms may be more appropriate for public resource publishing, while others are more suited for deep computational analytics and mining. Data articulation provides a method of taking contextualized data forms (including Named Graphs) and generating internal forms (e.g., workspaces) optimized for computational objectives. In addition, while this approach can take advantage of ontologies, it cannot by itself be captured in any single ontology (it's actually meta-ontological). That's because data articulation is really about applying the right rule transform (SPARQL construct) for the right semantics and context. In fact, it may not even require any complex ontologies to be available to or part of the data sets; perhaps ontologies can be "injected" at the time they are actually required rather than being non-modal and global.

A good example comes from mining and analyzing pathway data that can be obtained in the BioPax OWL format from Reactome and other sources. BioPax supports a lot of semantic structures including recursive protein complex structures; data articulation allows us to create reaction steps from Reactome-BioPax that include the proteins as direct participants of a reaction. This allows much faster pathway queries and traversals and improved pathway visualizations (topic for another blog). These efficient forms are not necessarily what you would wish to publish, but could be (with the proper context) included explicitly within the set. Indeed, I think there is a strong relation between data articulation and semantic data visualization, which I am in the midst of exploring with BBN (yeah, the original guys).

I strongly believe data articulation is key for taking data from context-rich forms from around the Web, and flexibly transforming them into the proper scientific semantic forms for a specific task. For this to work, the initial source forms on the web must explicitly include all contextual and fact semantics, and we'll need to develop proper semantic standards that will work correctly with different data domains coming from their corresponding communities (life sciences, financial, news-media, etc). For now, data articulation is a de facto part of the solutions my company provides, but I hope it becomes common place. There is strong demand for it from my clients when they are presented with the issues of data utilization and life cycles.

As more new linked data apprentices convert their tables into RDF, piles of brittle data will continue to grow, and may actually impede the uptake and use of linked data. For some of us who have advocated semantic approaches for over 10 years, this is a serious concern. We need to be making realistic plans about what kind of semantics need to accompany public and proprietary data sets when converted. Perhaps we should propose an new semantic linked data challenge?